(by Gina Bardi, Reference Librarian)
It’s Valentine’s season! Can’t you smell the chocolate in
the air? You probably think we librarians and archivists are a cold calculating
bunch, only thinking about classification systems and preservation methods but
we feel love too! Why just the other day I came across a few items in a
scrapbook that made my heart go all a-flutter. I’ve written
about scrapbooks
of the San Francisco Yacht Club before,
but while going through them recently to fulfill a reference request from one
of our staff, I came across the drawings below and the poem which were just too
sweet not to share with you, my beloved readers, on Valentine’ s Day..
Becalmed |
Engagements |
Sweet and simple. There is nothing half so much worth doing
as messing about in boats with someone you love… and a cherub.
Yachting |
Not quite sure what all is going on here, but hey, a heart
made out of rope! I guess there’s a man with a terrible haircut being hoisted
aboard and some people singing and a pair of women’s legs. The couple in the
middle seem to like each other though.
After looking at these images of happy couples perhaps you
to now would like to woo someone. Here’s
a maritime themed love poem to help you out.
San Francisco Yacht Club. Scrapbooks. 1883-1885. Print.